We can help you play tennis.
Tennis Options to Find a Game
Option 1
Call/Text (412-726-2401) and tell me what you are looking for so I can help you.
Are you a beginner, an intermediate player, or an advanced?
If you have or know your USTA rating what is it?
2.5, 3.0,3.5,4.0,4.5, or above
Vince Romito Cell: 412-726-2401
Option 2
Drop in on one of our clinics
Monday, Tuesday, and Sunday for women
Tuesday and Sunday for men
Option 3
Sign up for one of our clinics
Goto our clinic page here for the list
Option 4
Call the club and schedule a lesson with one of our pros.
Option 5
Find a way to play without joining our club.
Text/Call me. 412-726-2401